OS X install and tips

View the Project on GitHub nicolas-brousse/osx-install-and-tips

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Sublime text

Packages to install

$ apm install Sublime-Style-Column-Selection
$ apm install alignment editorconfig emmet color-picker
$ apm install language-docker language-haml language-mjml language-nginx
$ apm install markdown-preview pdf-view
$ apm install vim-mode yard
$ apm install monokai file-icons
# $ apm install vim-mode


    audioBeep: false
    disabledPackages: [
    excludeVcsIgnoredPaths: false
    followSymlinks: true
    projectHome: "~/Projects"
    themes: [
    backUpBeforeSaving: true
    fontSize: 10
    invisibles: {}
    preferredLineLength: 120
    showIndentGuide: true
    showInvisibles: true
    softWrap: true
    softWrapAtPreferredLineLength: true
  emmet: {}
    onChanges: true
    layoutMode: "Compact"
    showOnStartup: false

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