This project is maintained by nicolas-brousse
List crontab content of all user:
for user in $(cut -f1 -d: /etc/passwd); do crontab -u $user -l; done
dig domain.tld
dig @ns.server.tld domain.tld
: ask ns.server.tld to know domain.tld dns informationsdig -x XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
: domain reversenetstat -atnpu
: port statsecho "CREATE DATABASE databasename" | mysql -u username -p
: Create new database
mysqldump -u root --password="password" --all-databases | gzip> all_databases_dump.sql.gz
: Dump all Mysql databases
mysql < dump.sql
: Resore databases from a sql file
mysql database_name < dump.sql
: Resore a database from a sql file
pg_dump -U <username> -Fc --file=database.dump <database>
adduser --groups group_name user_name
: Create useradduser --system --no-create-home [--disabled-password] [--disabled-login] [--shell /bin/bash] --home-dir / --groups group_name user_name
: Create system useradduser user_name group_name
: Add a user into a group
deluser user_name
: Remove a user
deluser user_name group_name
: Remove a user from a group
Run this command from on new server.
ssh remote.srv.tld "cd /data/;tar zcf - files" | tar zxf -
This command recursively copies /data/files from remote.srv.tld to local server a lot faster on slow network.
# --delete: remove files they are in remote but not in source
# r: recursive
# a: archive
# z: compression
# e: protocol `ssh`
# source destination
rsync --delete -raze "ssh" remote.server.tld:/path/to/rsync/ /path/to/rsync/
du -hs /path/to/folder
: Get folder sizedf -h
: Get disks size
find /folder -type f -size +1048576 -exec ls -lh {} \;
: Search files size greater than 1G
iptables -L -n -v
su user_name -c 'command to execute'
: execute a command with user_name
ssh -f remote.server.tld -L local_port:localhost:remote_port -N
: open an ssh tunnel
find /folder -name ".svn" -exec rm -rf {} \;
: remove .svn
directories into /folder
find /folder -type l -exec ls -lad {} \;
: find symlinks into /folder
tar cfz archive.tar.gz target_dir_or_file
: archive and compress file or directory into tar.gz
tar xfz archive.tar.gz /path/to/unarchive
: unarchive a tar.gz file